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A Note From the Director

A Note From the Director

Hello Preschool Families,

The students and staff have been very busy since returning from Thanksgiving break! The weeks between Thanksgiving and the winter holiday seem to go by so fast. 

We are looking forward to our last full week with students before the winter break. Teachers and related service staff will be in touch with you regarding any special happenings; please look for that information in teacher newsletters and in the Seesaw App. The main method of communication for teachers, related service staff and parents is typically Seesaw. If you are not signed up to receive messages through that app, please reach out to your child's teacher or service providers. 

Thank you to all VanGorden Preschool families who participated in the Texas Roadhouse fundraiser! We really appreciate that support!

As a reminder, during this time of year we see an increase of student and staff illnesses. We know the decision to keep your student home when they are ill can be a difficult one; however, please be considerate of others when making this decision. While we want children to attend as often as they can, we also want to make sure we are keeping everyone healthy! Please make sure that you are following district guidelines when making decisions about your child's health. If a child has a fever, he must be fever free for 24 hours without medication in order to return to school. If a child has diarrhea or is vomiting, he may not return until 24 hours after the last episode. Again, we understand health decisions can be difficult but please be considerate of other students and of the staff. We really appreciate your thoughtfulness!

For tuition paying classroom students, please go into your EZpay account and make sure you are up to date on your payments. 

Again, we are looking forward to finishing out the calendar year with our students in the coming week! The last student day is Tuesday, December 19th.

Have a great weekend!


  • principal