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First Week Back!

First Week Back!

Hello Preschool Families!
What a great first week of preschool! It’s been wonderful having students back in the buildings! 

The beginning of the year is always a stressful time; I want to thank everyone for their patience with all things preschool these past few weeks. 

I wanted to share just a few reminders for classroom arrival/dismissal procedures. Please remember no talking or texting on cell phones while in the school lot. Please be patient as students are loading and unloading. Please be sure to follow staff directions for proceeding or moving around vehicles. Please keep in mind that student, family, and staff safety during arrival/dismissal procedures is the most important consideration.

If your student has qualified for, and will be using bus services, please remember that bus pick up/drop off times for the first few weeks can vary; buses may be running late or early while drivers are learning their new routes. If you have questions about your student’s route, please contact transportation at 513-755-5821.

As a reminder, classroom students attend Monday-Thursday. 

We are looking forward to seeing everyone next week! 

Have a great weekend!

  • principal