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VanGorden Preschool Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

VanGorden Preschool Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

VG Preschool Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

Helpful hints to keep the line moving safely:

  • NO talking or texting on cell phones while in the school lot.
  • Say your goodbyes prior to the drop off zone.
  • Please keep eyes ahead while exiting the drop off area, rather than watching your child enter the building.
  • Be conscious and courteous of our staff in parking/drop off zones. Staff are there to assist with traffic flow and need everyone’s cooperation for the safety of OUR STUDENTS.


Arrival: AM: 8:40, PM: 12:40

Student drop off will begin at 8:40 for AM and 12:40 for PM 

  • Students are not permitted in the building prior to arrival time
  • Cars will be directed to enter drop off zone.
  • All cars will be unloaded by a staff member.
  • Please have students unbuckled and ready to unload with all belongings prior to the drop zone
  • Once child has been dropped off, please proceed immediately to the exit.

Dismissal: AM: 11:40, PM: 3:40

  • Every car MUST display a pink tag in your passenger side window
  • (Notify preschool staff if you are missing/need a pink pass prior to dismissal)
  • Once you are parked in the drop off zone a staff member will escort your student to your car
  • Parents MUST/ONLY be outside of your car while parked in the drop off zone at dismissal
  • The parent MUST buckle the child into their car seat, staff are not allowed


picture of school with arrows indicating traffic pattern